Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 2 of doing nothing in Kuwait.

I think this is funny...

We get 30 minutes of free internet at the USO. The guy next to me is playing Farmville.

Not emailing his wife, IMing his parents, posting on friends' sites, or updating his status, but spending his 30 minutes in contact with the world outside Buehring harvisting wheat. Virtual wheat.

Last night was pretty rough. I don't relish the idea of living in a giant tent with 40 females, but I wasn't expecting to not be able to sleep! There was always someone moving around, whispering and stomping to the door. I'm thinking tonight I'll keep my light on an just read. Maybe I can finish Hunt for Red October. It was really annoying.

And it was chilly.

So Top and SFC Phillips left for Basra last night. We saw them at our evening formation (they left a few days before us). They looked fantastic! All of us that got here yesterday are haggard and pale from the traveling. Apparently we should be able to acclimate and be happy in just a couple days.

We're doing nothing again today, but we should be going to the range tomorrow. At least something. :)

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