Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I haven't posted since arriving in Iraq for a couple reasons...

I don't know what to say.

There are so many things I want to tell everyone. At the same time I don't want to talk about it at all. I don't want anyone to be worried. I'm not worried about some things. I don't want to think about it. It's all I can think about. I want to be able to believe I can handle this by myself. I don't know if that's possible though.

This is not what I expected.

Apparently we are at war. I know we are. Of course I knew that. But the reality is sinking in. It takes time to process.

I don't want to make it sound like life is hopeless.

Life isn't hopeless. I have friends. People love me. I love them. At 7:40 this morning a friend told me, "You are not defective." That helped me so much! Working out -- running especially -- helps too.

Now I'm wondering if Coach makes ballistic sunglasses.


  1. Babe, I worried about you since I found out u were going there.My prayers and the prayers of our family WILL get u thru this. I promise. Yes, we do LOVE you very much!!!!! I check your blog single day. Just stay focused and things will get better. Love You!

  2. Your strength comes from on high, and we know
    your angels are surrounding you, so keep your
    faith! Now you can educate us on the real life
    over there! Remember you are loved, and the
    whole church is praying for you. Luv ya loads!

  3. Hey there! I kicked dad "off" for a few moments! This is CRAZY! Pray he gets me set up again!! I'd even be happy in your room!!
    Love you bunches and each day will get better! Absolutely LOVE those 4 am calls!!!
    U R Always on my mind!

  4. Well as you know I got worried for you when I heard you were going over there.....but I really do pray for you every day, and you know there is nothing you and God can't handle!

  5. Hi Bethany,
    This is Ko, Erika's mom. We met only a couple of times at Erika's wedding. I just like to let you know that my husband and I keep you in our prayer. Hope you understand my broken English.

  6. Bethany- We are praying for you back at Manhattan Nazarene. I'm glad I found your blog with your address so we can start sending you some snail mail. Remember the Lord is with you always and gives you strength. Erin
