Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Been Awhile

So I'm volunteering at the USO...

Which means I haven't had a chance to make new entries in the blog for awhile. The computers at work allow us on email, but not Facebook (so I am calling in quits on that) and not Blogger. It's fine because I really don't have much to say... "opsec."

The whole band is here now. Emily and I are in our CHU. We work long hours. I'm tired by the end of the day. Actually, I tired in the morning before the day even starts. I just stay tired. I'm not sure if that'll ever change. There's not much privacy and we can't be alone (always have to have a battle buddy). But things are going well. I'm adjusting. Having some fun.

I am looking forward to getting a real pillow once everyone is out of the tents.


  1. I've been checking your blog every single day and night. Been worried about you, but after I read this I know things have gotten a little bit better. Hang in there my guardian angels are watching over you. Love You!

  2. aahh, some word. Feel better. being busy is a good thing. Glad things worked out at USO. Love you! I'll take calls whenever! All is well here.

  3. So good to read you are busy and not bored! This makes the time go by faster, right?
    Keeping you in my prayers! Your calls to your
    parents sure put smiles on their faces. Do take
    care and remember you are loved.
