Saturday, March 13, 2010

My New Name

The interpreters had a hard time learning my name last week... and remembering it, and pronouncing it. So they gave me an Arabic name. Amany. (Ah-mahn-ee) It means hopes. Dreams. Desires. Kind of a beautiful concept actually. There's a song about a young couple in love, they told me the story. He sings about the Amany for the future. It doesn't work out. He dies. Amany were lost.

I learned how to write it out in Arabic too. And the rest of their characters, so I can read and write it. But... I don't know how to translate it. So it doesn't make sense. Greek was easier. I have 10 more months so I should learn more than the 5 or 6 words/phrases I know now. "Picture." "Open your eyes." "Good morning." "Thank you." "Good." "Hopes."

Guys overe here don't ask for phone numbers. They ask for Facebook accounts. Is that what this world is coming to? I don't mind giving it out though, I mean, I rarely get on Facebook so giving them my name to look me up seems pretty safe. Ha ha. It will be a month before I can add the guys as friends, and by then they have forgotten who I am. Although, the COB isn't very big and I am sure I will run into all these men asking for my Facebook...

Our past and our regrets never leave us, do they? Always there hauting us, when we're happiest or when they are the furthest thing from us. I guess they are always connected to us. I mean, they are things in our past. They're a part of our lifes. Had to have become a part of our lives for a reason. Only natural to be reminded of them from time to time.

You know, I don't really even like Facebook.


  1. Love your new name! I will have to mention it to this engineer I work with - he's originally from Lebanon, speaks Lebanese, Arabic, Swedish, French, and English. Pretty funny character. The last saying he had trouble with in English was: Do you know where I'm coming from? "What this mean? Where am I from, as in location? I don't understand." We have discussions on healthcare and Iraq. He is 100% against Obamacare, and 100% behind the US Military. "If you've experienced what I have, you would feel the same way."

    Funny about the Facebook craze. I am with you - I don't really like it either. It has a tendency to interrupt one's momentum to actually accomplish anything in the "real" world. But it is nice to connect too.

    Take care, Amany!

  2. Amany - that is beautiful!

    Well, sounds like you're just as popular as ever! :-)

    If it makes you feel any better, everyone I meet here at UT doesn't ask for phone number or email, its always, do you have facebook? I thought it was just a college thing, but maybe fb is taking over the world....
